Station US TUC - Tucson, Arizona, USA

Network: US - United States National Seismic Network

Nearby stations (2 deg radius)

Station Name (Lat, Lon) Start / End Elevation
TUC Tucson, Arizona, USA (32.31, -110.78) 1999-03-03 / 2499-01-01 906 m
Crust2 Type:M5,extended crust, 0.5 km seds.
Thickness Estimate:32 km
Thickness StdDev:0.5 km
Vp/Vs Estimate:1.66
Vp/Vs StdDev:0.02
Vs Estimate:3.769 km/s
Poisson's Ratio:0.22
Peak Value:0.02
Assumed Vp:6.276 km/s
Ps Weight:0.33333334
PpPs Weight:0.33333334
PsPs Weight:0.33333328
Residual Complexity:0.477
Nearby stations H:32 km +- 0.0 km
(2.0 deg) Vp/Vs:1.68 +- 0.03

25 with match > 90% ( 62.5 %) and 40 with match > 80% ( 100.0 %) out of 40.

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Azimuth Distribution of Events:

Prior Results for this Station

Study Thickness Vp/Vs Vp Vs Poissons Ratio Extra
EARS 32 km 1.66 6.276 km/s 3.769 km/s 0.22
Crust2.0 31 km 1.78 6.276 km/s 3.529 km/s 0.27 M5,extended crust, 0.5 km seds.
Zandt Ammon 30 km 1.69 6.0 km/s 3.55 km/s 0.23
Zandt Ammon 32 km 1.68 6.25 km/s 3.72 km/s 0.23
Zandt Ammon 33 km 1.68 6.5 km/s 3.869 km/s 0.23
Zandt Ammon 34 km 1.67 6.75 km/s 4.042 km/s 0.22
Global Maxima 32 km 1.66 6.276 km/s 3.769 km/s 0.22 amp=0.024195293
Local Maxima 1 33 km 1.66 6.276 km/s 3.769 km/s 0.22 amp=0.013070209
Local Maxima 2 31 km 1.60 6.276 km/s 3.922 km/s 0.18 amp=0.010633305
Local Maxima 3 30 km 1.72 6.276 km/s 3.649 km/s 0.24 amp=0.0054828413
Local Maxima 4 30 km 1.60 6.276 km/s 3.922 km/s 0.18 amp=0.004366998
Predicted Arrivals for vertical incidence
(zero ray parameter)
PpPs13.48 SECOND
PsPs/PpSs16.85 SECOND

Events Processed for this Station

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View Record Section

Plot maxima for each earthquake.

Events Used in the Stack

(40 events)
Radial Match Distance Baz FERegion Time Lat/Lon Depth Magnitude
98.36305 79.3 deg 312.79 deg Hokkaido, Japan Region 2003/09/25 19:50:06 GMT (41.8, 143.9) 27 km 6.9 MB, 8.1 MS, 8.3 MW, 8.1 MW
98.165 82.4 deg 311.353 deg Near East Coast Of Honshu, Japan 2003/05/26 09:24:33 GMT (38.8, 141.6) 68 km 6.7 MB, 7.0 MW, 7.0 MW
98.05405 77.9 deg 241.156 deg Tonga Islands 2004/01/25 11:43:11 GMT (-16.8, -174.2) 130 km 6.4 MB, 6.7 MW, 6.7 MW
97.75903 89.4 deg 232.836 deg Kermadec Islands, New Zealand 2003/05/04 13:15:18 GMT (-30.5, -178.2) 62 km 6.0 MB, 6.5 MS, 6.7 MW, 6.7 MW
97.445816 94.2 deg 260.338 deg Solomon Islands 2003/01/20 08:43:06 GMT (-10.5, 160.8) 33 km 6.7 MB, 7.8 MS, 7.3 MW, 7.2 MW
97.37386 82.3 deg 239.268 deg Fiji Islands Region 2003/07/27 02:04:11 GMT (-21.1, -176.6) 213 km 5.9 MB, 6.6 MW, 6.6 MW
97.320755 72.7 deg 145.253 deg Near Coast Of Central Chile 2003/06/20 13:30:41 GMT (-30.6, -71.6) 33 km 6.4 MB, 6.8 MS, 6.8 MW, 6.7 MW
96.62258 93.1 deg 246.011 deg Southeast Of Loyalty Islands 2003/12/27 16:00:59 GMT (-22.0, 169.8) 10 km 6.1 MB, 7.1 MS, 7.3 MW, 7.2 MW
96.40961 76.2 deg 241.812 deg Tonga Islands 2003/09/02 18:28:00 GMT (-15.2, -173.2) 10 km 6.0 MB, 6.6 MS, 6.4 MW, 6.3 MW
95.67164 63.6 deg 320.574 deg Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia 2003/06/16 22:08:02 GMT (55.5, 160.0) 175 km 6.3 MB, 6.9 MW, 6.9 MW
95.4217 88.7 deg 232.458 deg Kermadec Islands, New Zealand 2003/09/30 14:08:37 GMT (-30.4, -177.4) 10 km 5.8 MB, 6.5 MS, 6.4 MW, 6.4 MW
94.97657 79.0 deg 319.188 deg Primor'ye, Russia 2003/07/27 06:25:31 GMT (47.2, 139.2) 470 km 6.3 MB, 6.8 MW, 6.8 MW
94.89098 54.4 deg 129.817 deg Western Brazil 2003/06/20 06:19:38 GMT (-7.6, -71.7) 558 km 6.4 MB, 7.1 MW, 7.0 MW
94.83015 82.3 deg 310.018 deg Off East Coast Of Honshu, Japan 2003/10/31 01:06:28 GMT (37.8, 142.6) 10 km 6.1 MB, 6.8 MS, 7.0 MW, 7.0 MW
94.431244 54.9 deg 313.178 deg Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands 2003/06/23 12:12:34 GMT (51.4, 176.8) 20 km 6.3 MB, 7.0 MS, 6.9 MW, 6.8 MW
93.81798 76.5 deg 242.21 deg Tonga Islands 2003/05/03 05:03:03 GMT (-15.1, -173.7) 33 km 6.3 MB, 6.1 MS, 6.2 MW, 6.1 MW
93.72576 84.0 deg 52.085 deg Strait Of Gibraltar 2004/02/24 02:27:46 GMT (35.1, -4.0) 0.0 km 6.2 MB, 6.4 MS, 6.4 MW, 6.4 MW
93.51876 35.2 deg 126.378 deg Panama-Costa Rica Border Region 2003/12/25 07:11:11 GMT (8.4, -82.8) 33 km 6.0 MB, 6.4 MS, 6.5 MW, 6.5 MW
93.17904 48.7 deg 93.534 deg North Atlantic Ocean 2003/05/14 06:03:35 GMT (18.3, -58.6) 42 km 6.5 MB, 6.5 MS, 6.6 MW, 6.6 MW
93.10682 96.4 deg 348.058 deg Southwestern Siberia, Russia 2003/09/27 11:33:25 GMT (50.0, 87.8) 16 km 6.5 MB, 7.5 MS, 7.3 MW, 7.3 MW
92.082085 60.5 deg 319.539 deg Komandorskiye Ostrova Region 2003/12/05 21:26:09 GMT (55.5, 165.8) 10 km 6.1 MB, 6.5 MS, 6.7 MW, 6.7 MW
90.84334 37.9 deg 99.203 deg Dominican Republic Region 2003/09/22 04:45:36 GMT (19.8, -70.7) 10 km 6.2 MB, 6.6 MS, 6.5 MW, 6.4 MW
90.588104 83.0 deg 311.261 deg Eastern Honshu, Japan 2003/07/25 22:13:29 GMT (38.4, 141.0) 6.0 km 6.0 MB, 5.8 MS, 6.1 MW, 5.9 MW
90.58513 37.3 deg 129.266 deg South Of Panama 2003/05/23 11:05:11 GMT (5.7, -82.7) 10 km 5.1 MB, 5.4 MS, 5.9 MW, 5.9 MW
90.03699 92.3 deg 248.751 deg Vanuatu Islands 2003/11/06 10:38:04 GMT (-19.3, 168.9) 114 km 6.0 MB, 6.6 MW, 6.6 MW
89.4766 78.4 deg 313.222 deg Hokkaido, Japan Region 2003/10/08 09:06:55 GMT (42.6, 144.6) 32 km 6.0 MB, 6.6 MS, 6.7 MW, 6.6 MW
89.36227 36.5 deg 127.4 deg South Of Panama 2003/04/11 06:12:54 GMT (7.0, -82.4) 10 km 5.6 MB, 5.6 MS, 6.2 MW, 6.1 MW
88.79295 89.4 deg 232.824 deg Kermadec Islands, New Zealand 2003/05/04 20:08:46 GMT (-30.6, -178.3) 46 km 6.0 MB, 6.1 MS, 6.4 MW, 6.4 MW
88.627075 93.5 deg 245.956 deg Southeast Of Loyalty Islands 2003/12/25 20:42:33 GMT (-22.3, 169.5) 10 km 6.3 MB, 6.3 MS, 6.5 MW, 6.4 MW
88.62658 41.1 deg 124.385 deg Near West Coast Of Colombia 2003/11/05 00:58:51 GMT (5.0, -77.8) 33 km 5.7 MB, 5.4 MS, 6.0 MW, 5.9 MW
87.6209 76.4 deg 241.916 deg Tonga Islands 2003/03/28 17:31:47 GMT (-15.3, -173.5) 41 km 5.8 MB, 6.0 MS, 6.2 MW, 6.1 MW
87.389725 77.7 deg 243.698 deg Samoa Islands Region 2004/02/23 16:04:49 GMT (-14.7, -175.6) 31 km 5.7 MB, 6.3 MS, 6.3 MW, 6.2 MW
86.80216 37.0 deg 172.135 deg Central East Pacific Rise 2003/09/06 02:08:13 GMT (-4.6, -106.0) 10 km 5.4 MB, 5.8 MS, 6.1 MW, 6.0 MW
84.872665 91.6 deg 244.413 deg Southeast Of Loyalty Islands 2003/09/07 13:19:20 GMT (-22.5, 172.1) 33 km 5.7 MB, 6.4 MS, 6.3 MW, 6.3 MW
84.80937 92.1 deg 250.993 deg Vanuatu Islands 2003/05/13 21:21:14 GMT (-17.3, 167.7) 33 km 6.0 MB, 6.4 MS, 6.3 MW, 6.3 MW
84.79519 68.0 deg 133.607 deg Southern Bolivia 2003/07/27 11:41:27 GMT (-20.1, -65.2) 345 km 5.9 MB, 6.0 MW, 6.0 MW
84.26774 80.9 deg 237.882 deg Tonga Islands 2003/07/03 06:21:50 GMT (-21.3, -174.5) 10 km 5.5 MB, 5.7 MS, 6.0 MW
82.93579 35.2 deg 126.513 deg Panama-Costa Rica Border Region 2004/02/04 11:59:47 GMT (8.4, -82.9) 29 km 5.6 MB, 5.9 MS, 6.1 MW, 6.1 MW
82.04427 92.9 deg 246.26 deg Southeast Of Loyalty Islands 2003/12/27 22:38:01 GMT (-21.7, 169.8) 10 km 5.8 MB, 6.7 MS, 6.7 MW, 6.7 MW
81.33101 37.8 deg 321.84 deg Kodiak Island Region, Alaska 2003/08/03 04:10:50 GMT (56.1, -153.3) 17 km 5.2 MB, 5.3 MS, 5.7 MW, 5.7 MW


(0 events)
Radial Match Distance Baz FERegion Time Lat/Lon Depth Magnitude Reason