Station XC Y50 - Y50

Network: XC00 - Yellowstone Intermountain Seismic Array

Nearby stations (2 deg radius)

Station Name (Lat, Lon) Start / End Elevation
Y50 Y50 (45.15, -108.97) 2000-06-21 / 2001-12-31 1197 m
Crust2 Type:PD,orogen/50km, Tibet, 2 km seds.
Thickness Estimate:37 km
Thickness StdDev:12 km
Vp/Vs Estimate:2.10
Vp/Vs StdDev:0.19
Vs Estimate:2.976 km/s
Poisson's Ratio:0.35
Peak Value:0.01
Assumed Vp:6.242 km/s
Ps Weight:0.33333334
PpPs Weight:0.33333334
PsPs Weight:0.33333328
Residual Complexity:0.557
Nearby stations H: +-
(2.0 deg) Vp/Vs: +-

2 with match > 90% ( 18.181818 %) and 11 with match > 80% ( 100.0 %) out of 11.

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Azimuth Distribution of Events:

Prior Results for this Station

Study Thickness Vp/Vs Vp Vs Poissons Ratio Extra
EARS 37 km 2.10 6.242 km/s 2.976 km/s 0.35
Crust2.0 50 km 1.76 6.242 km/s 3.546 km/s 0.26 PD,orogen/50km, Tibet, 2 km seds.
Global Maxima 37 km 2.10 6.242 km/s 2.976 km/s 0.35 amp=0.014538788
Local Maxima 1 36 km 2.10 6.242 km/s 2.976 km/s 0.35 amp=0.008091675
Local Maxima 2 66 km 1.63 6.242 km/s 3.835 km/s 0.20 amp=0.006028211
Local Maxima 3 40 km 1.92 6.242 km/s 3.247 km/s 0.31 amp=0.0056809825
Local Maxima 4 39 km 2.10 6.242 km/s 2.976 km/s 0.35 amp=0.004633377
Predicted Arrivals for vertical incidence
(zero ray parameter)
PpPs18.24 SECOND
PsPs/PpSs24.70 SECOND

Events Processed for this Station

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View Record Section

Plot maxima for each earthquake.

Events Used in the Stack

(11 events)
Radial Match Distance Baz FERegion Time Lat/Lon Depth Magnitude
93.77717 36.4 deg 145.226 deg El Salvador 2001/01/13 17:33:32 GMT (13.0, -88.7) 60 km 6.4 MB, 7.8 MS, 7.7 MW, 7.5 ME
90.60482 85.5 deg 240.321 deg Tonga Islands 2000/09/26 06:17:52 GMT (-17.2, -173.9) 56 km 6.1 MB, 6.1 MS, 6.4 MW, 6.1 ME
88.38819 52.1 deg 115.731 deg Windward Islands 2000/10/04 14:37:44 GMT (11.1, -62.6) 110 km 5.6 MB, 5.4 MS, 6.1 MW, 5.9 MD
87.81747 67.6 deg 310.716 deg Kuril Islands 2001/05/25 00:40:50 GMT (44.3, 148.4) 33 km 6.1 MB, 6.7 MS, 6.7 MW, 6.6 MW
87.14641 84.0 deg 150.214 deg Off Coast Of Central Chile 2001/04/09 09:00:57 GMT (-32.7, -73.1) 11 km 6.1 MB, 6.3 MS, 6.7 MW, 6.3 ME
85.51389 46.6 deg 135.05 deg Panama-Colombia Border Region 2000/11/08 06:59:58 GMT (7.0, -77.8) 17 km 6.0 MB, 6.4 MS, 6.5 MW, 6.2 ML
85.50311 32.7 deg 152.4 deg Near Coast Of Chiapas, Mexico 2000/12/04 04:43:09 GMT (14.9, -93.9) 33 km 5.6 MB, 5.7 MS, 6.0 MW, 5.9 MW
85.22601 51.7 deg 142.713 deg Near Coast Of Ecuador 2000/09/28 23:23:43 GMT (-0.2, -80.6) 23 km 5.8 MB, 6.0 MS, 6.6 MW, 6.4 MW
82.47874 79.8 deg 308.637 deg Near S. Coast Of Honshu, Japan 2000/07/01 07:01:55 GMT (34.2, 139.1) 10 km 6.0 MB, 6.1 MS, 6.2 MW, 6.2 MW
82.124405 94.4 deg 12.518 deg Turkmenistan 2000/12/06 17:11:06 GMT (39.6, 54.8) 30 km 6.7 MB, 7.5 MS, 7.0 MW, 6.9 ME
80.88868 84.3 deg 240.982 deg Tonga Islands 2000/09/11 17:17:53 GMT (-15.9, -173.7) 115 km 6.0 MB, 6.3 MW, 6.3 MW


(0 events)
Radial Match Distance Baz FERegion Time Lat/Lon Depth Magnitude Reason