Station XL S208 - Eakin Pump Station

Network: XL97 - Deep Probe (Archean-Proterozoic)

Nearby stations (2 deg radius)

Station Name (Lat, Lon) Start / End Elevation
S208 Eakin Pump Station (41.42, -110.25) 1997-08-31 / 1997-12-31 1982 m
Crust2 Type:M2,extended crust, 2 km seds.
Thickness Estimate:40 km
Thickness StdDev:10.0 km
Vp/Vs Estimate:1.80
Vp/Vs StdDev:0.05
Vs Estimate:3.415 km/s
Poisson's Ratio:0.28
Peak Value:0.06
Assumed Vp:6.155 km/s
Ps Weight:0.33333334
PpPs Weight:0.33333334
PsPs Weight:0.33333328
Residual Complexity:0.755
Nearby stations H: +-
(2.0 deg) Vp/Vs: +-

1 with match > 90% ( 9.090909 %) and 4 with match > 80% ( 36.363636 %) out of 11.

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Azimuth Distribution of Events:

Prior Results for this Station

Study Thickness Vp/Vs Vp Vs Poissons Ratio Extra
EARS 40 km 1.80 6.155 km/s 3.415 km/s 0.28
Crust2.0 31 km 1.78 6.155 km/s 3.458 km/s 0.27 M2,extended crust, 2 km seds.
Global Maxima 40 km 1.80 6.155 km/s 3.415 km/s 0.28 amp=0.060178924
Local Maxima 1 25 km 1.79 6.155 km/s 3.448 km/s 0.27 amp=0.051296514
Local Maxima 2 28 km 1.65 6.155 km/s 3.725 km/s 0.21 amp=0.025330536
Local Maxima 3 70 km 1.97 6.155 km/s 3.128 km/s 0.33 amp=0.023000054
Local Maxima 4 39 km 1.77 6.155 km/s 3.468 km/s 0.27 amp=0.016435483
Predicted Arrivals for vertical incidence
(zero ray parameter)
PpPs18.21 SECOND
PsPs/PpSs23.43 SECOND

Events Processed for this Station

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View Record Section

Plot maxima for each earthquake.

Events Used in the Stack

(4 events)
Radial Match Distance Baz FERegion Time Lat/Lon Depth Magnitude
90.76892 54.9 deg 137.632 deg Northern Peru 1997/10/28 06:15:17 GMT (-4.4, -76.7) 112 km 6.6 MB, 6.3 MS, 7.2 UNKNOWN, 6.6 ME
89.99693 48.5 deg 131.03 deg Colombia 1997/09/02 12:13:22 GMT (3.8, -75.7) 199 km 6.5 MB, 6.8 UNKNOWN, 6.4 ME
85.813446 93.5 deg 234.341 deg Kermadec Islands Region 1997/09/20 16:11:32 GMT (-28.7, -177.6) 30 km 6.1 MB, 7.0 MS, 7.2 UNKNOWN, 6.7 ME
84.11221 80.5 deg 146.727 deg Near Coast Of Central Chile 1997/10/15 01:03:33 GMT (-30.9, -71.2) 58 km 6.8 MB, 6.8 MS, 7.3 UNKNOWN, 7.1 MW


(7 events)
Radial Match Distance Baz FERegion Time Lat/Lon Depth Magnitude Reason
74.363976 86.1 deg 237.217 deg Tonga Islands 1997/09/10 12:57:07 GMT (-21.3, -174.4) 10 km 5.7 MB, 6.1 MS, 6.1 UNKNOWN, 5.9 MW
72.822975 94.5 deg 238.377 deg South Of Fiji Islands 1997/09/04 04:23:37 GMT (-26.6, 178.3) 625 km 6.3 MB, 6.8 UNKNOWN, 6.5 ME
57.828583 74.4 deg 140.176 deg Northern Chile 1997/09/28 23:13:13 GMT (-22.4, -68.4) 107 km 5.7 MB, 5.6 UNKNOWN, 5.6 MW
55.92287 89.0 deg 240.693 deg Fiji Islands Region 1997/11/04 10:40:43 GMT (-21.0, -179.2) 621 km 5.7 UNKNOWN, 5.1 MB
49.32407 77.1 deg 311.295 deg Eastern Honshu, Japan 1997/10/26 19:06:44 GMT (39.3, 140.5) 134 km 5.6 UNKNOWN, 5.2 MB
34.379765 88.7 deg 240.548 deg Fiji Islands Region 1997/10/17 15:02:00 GMT (-20.9, -178.8) 579 km 5.3 MB, 6.0 UNKNOWN, 6.0 MW
27.074877 70.3 deg 312.601 deg Kuril Islands 1997/10/22 09:55:47 GMT (44.7, 146.2) 154 km 5.5 MB, 5.6 UNKNOWN, 5.6 MW