Station YJ DIKE - Diksis Junior School

Network: YJ01 - Ethiopia-Afar Geoscientific Lithospheric Experiment

Nearby stations (2 deg radius)

Station Name (Lat, Lon) Start / End Elevation
DIKE Diksis Junior School (8.06, 39.56) 2001-10-30 / 2003-01-23 2754 m
Crust2 Type:G9,thin custal Archean 0.1 km seds., South American
Thickness Estimate:41 km
Thickness StdDev:4.1 km
Vp/Vs Estimate:1.83
Vp/Vs StdDev:0.06
Vs Estimate:3.532 km/s
Poisson's Ratio:0.29
Peak Value:0.02
Assumed Vp:6.464 km/s
Ps Weight:0.33333334
PpPs Weight:0.33333334
PsPs Weight:0.33333328
Residual Complexity:0.436
Nearby stations H: +-
(2.0 deg) Vp/Vs: +-

2 with match > 90% ( 28.571428 %) and 7 with match > 80% ( 100.0 %) out of 7.

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Azimuth Distribution of Events:

Prior Results for this Station

Study Thickness Vp/Vs Vp Vs Poissons Ratio Extra
EARS 41 km 1.83 6.464 km/s 3.532 km/s 0.29
Crust2.0 31 km 1.76 6.464 km/s 3.663 km/s 0.26 G9,thin custal Archean 0.1 km seds., South American
Global Maxima 41 km 1.83 6.464 km/s 3.532 km/s 0.29 amp=0.023500396
Local Maxima 1 35 km 1.98 6.464 km/s 3.269 km/s 0.33 amp=0.010053358
Local Maxima 2 40 km 1.95 6.464 km/s 3.323 km/s 0.32 amp=0.004297552
Local Maxima 3 29 km 1.60 6.464 km/s 4.033 km/s 0.18 amp=0.00408833
Local Maxima 4 44 km 1.73 6.464 km/s 3.736 km/s 0.25 amp=0.003954792
Predicted Arrivals for vertical incidence
(zero ray parameter)
PpPs18.06 SECOND
PsPs/PpSs23.36 SECOND

Events Processed for this Station

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View Record Section

Plot maxima for each earthquake.

Events Used in the Stack

(7 events)
Radial Match Distance Baz FERegion Time Lat/Lon Depth Magnitude
92.29113 52.8 deg 79.785 deg Andaman Islands, India Region 2002/09/13 22:28:29 GMT (13.0, 93.1) 21 km 6.2 MB, 6.7 MS, 6.5 MW, 6.5 MW
91.491035 83.2 deg 209.837 deg South Sandwich Islands Region 2002/12/17 04:32:53 GMT (-57.0, -24.8) 10 km 5.4 MB, 6.3 MS, 6.2 MW, 6.0 MW
89.0892 57.7 deg 142.808 deg Mid-Indian Ridge 2002/05/14 16:56:10 GMT (-36.5, 78.9) 10 km 5.6 MB, 6.1 MS, 6.3 MW, 6.1 MW
84.99639 36.3 deg 47.369 deg Pakistan 2002/07/13 20:06:27 GMT (30.8, 70.0) 33 km 5.4 MB, 5.7 MS, 5.8 MW, 5.6 MW
84.46976 42.0 deg 44.396 deg Northwestern Kashmir 2002/11/20 21:32:30 GMT (35.4, 74.5) 33 km 5.7 MB, 6.5 MS, 6.4 MW, 6.0 MW
81.569885 85.3 deg 46.633 deg E. Russia-N.E. China Border Reg. 2002/06/28 17:19:30 GMT (43.8, 130.7) 566 km 6.7 MB, 7.3 MW, 7.3 MW
80.32972 31.7 deg 336.171 deg Southern Greece 2002/05/21 20:53:29 GMT (36.6, 24.3) 97 km 5.4 MB, 5.6 MD


(0 events)
Radial Match Distance Baz FERegion Time Lat/Lon Depth Magnitude Reason