SHRK Shell Rock, OR, USA - Earthquake Result Viewer

*The percent match for this event was below the threshold and hence no stack was calculated.

Earthquake location: Near Coast Of Guerrero, Mexico
Earthquake latitude/longitude: 17.0/-99.8
Earthquake time(UTC): 2021/09/08 (251) 01:47:46 GMT
Earthquake Depth: 13 km
Earthquake Magnitude: 7.0 mww
Earthquake Catalog/Contributor: NEIC PDE/us
Network: CC Cascade Chain Volcano Monitoring
Station: SHRK Shell Rock, OR, USA
Lat/Lon: 45.46 N/121.53 W
Elevation: 1319 m

*The percent match for this event was below the threshold and hence was not used in the summary stack.

Distance: 33.7 deg
Az: 332.015 deg
Baz: 140.344 deg
Ray Param: $rayparam
Radial Match: 76.514854 %
Radial Bump: 400
Transverse Match: 71.0392 %
Transverse Bump: 400
SOD ConfigId: 25131211
Insert Time: 2021-09-22 01:59:03.402 +0000
GWidth: 2.5
Max Bumps: 400
Tol: 0.001

Signal To Noise

CC:SHRK: :BHZ:20210908T01:53:57.360008Z49.4188654.8009883E-79.71489E-9
CC:SHRK: :BHN:20210908T01:53:57.360008Z20.853492.4457597E-71.1728299E-8
CC:SHRK: :BHE:20210908T01:53:57.360008Z19.7368432.4679838E-71.250445E-8