Stations in YI98 (1 stations)

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Network Description Owner Dates
YI98 - Antarctic Network of Broadband Seismometers The goal is to deploy a network of a dozen seismometers that will record data throughout the year. Half the stations will be at existing AGO sites in E.Antarctica and half will be at sites in W.Antarctica that are powered by wind and solar energy. These data will fill a huge lacuna in the global seismic dataset and provide valuable new info about the Antarctic crust and mantle structure. 1998-11-14 / 2002-12-31
Network Station Name Lat/Lon Elevation Est. Thick StdDev Est. Vp/Vs StdDev Assumed Vp Vs Poissons Ratio Num EQ Complexity
YI98 BYRD Byrd Surface Camp 80.00 S/119.55 W 0.0 m 25 km 14 km 1.80 0.12 6.053 km/s 3.363 km/s 0.28 3 0.93