Station TA I02E - Swisshome, OR, USA

Network: TA - USArray Transportable Network (new EarthScope stations)

Nearby stations (2 deg radius)

Station Name (Lat, Lon) Start / End Elevation
I02E Swisshome, OR, USA (44.11, -123.85) 2015-10-24 / 2016-09-30 117 m
Crust2 Type:L8,thin continental arc, Cordilleras, 0.5 km seds.
Thickness Estimate:32 km
Thickness StdDev:1.5 km
Vp/Vs Estimate:1.97
Vp/Vs StdDev:0.05
Vs Estimate:3.329 km/s
Poisson's Ratio:0.33
Peak Value:0.06
Assumed Vp:6.566 km/s
Ps Weight:0.33333334
PpPs Weight:0.33333334
PsPs Weight:0.33333328
Residual Complexity:0.492
Nearby stations H:32 km +- 0.7 km
(2.0 deg) Vp/Vs:1.91 +- 0.01

0 with match > 90% ( 0.0 %) and 4 with match > 80% ( 8.695652 %) out of 46.

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Azimuth Distribution of Events:

Prior Results for this Station

Study Thickness Vp/Vs Vp Vs Poissons Ratio Extra
EARS 32 km 1.97 6.566 km/s 3.329 km/s 0.33
Crust2.0 34 km 1.77 6.566 km/s 3.707 km/s 0.27 L8,thin continental arc, Cordilleras, 0.5 km seds.
Global Maxima 32 km 1.97 6.566 km/s 3.329 km/s 0.33 amp=0.057173762
Local Maxima 1 34 km 1.89 6.566 km/s 3.47 km/s 0.31 amp=0.02762671
Local Maxima 2 40 km 1.80 6.566 km/s 3.648 km/s 0.28 amp=0.016308412
Local Maxima 3 30 km 1.99 6.566 km/s 3.308 km/s 0.33 amp=0.0147961825
Local Maxima 4 38 km 2.09 6.566 km/s 3.145 km/s 0.35 amp=0.013955665
Predicted Arrivals for vertical incidence
(zero ray parameter)
PpPs14.26 SECOND
PsPs/PpSs18.93 SECOND

Events Processed for this Station

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Plot maxima for each earthquake.

Events Used in the Stack

(4 events)
Radial Match Distance Baz FERegion Time Lat/Lon Depth Magnitude
89.592155 86.4 deg 224.674 deg Kermadec Islands Region 2016/07/13 12:11:13 GMT (-28.0, -176.4) 12 km 6.3 MWB
87.78142 86.6 deg 243.885 deg Vanuatu Islands 2016/04/28 19:33:27 GMT (-16.1, 167.3) 35 km 7.0 MO
85.19177 85.7 deg 245.425 deg Vanuatu Islands 2016/04/03 08:23:53 GMT (-14.4, 166.8) 35 km 6.9 MWW, 7.2 MI
81.19817 82.5 deg 229.487 deg South Of Fiji Islands 2016/05/28 05:38:51 GMT (-22.0, -178.2) 417 km 6.6 MO


(42 events)
Radial Match Distance Baz FERegion Time Lat/Lon Depth Magnitude Reason
96.49791 77.8 deg 283.885 deg Mariana Islands 2016/07/29 21:18:25 GMT (18.5, 145.5) 212 km 7.7 MWW, 7.7 MWB, 7.7 MI
83.69488 88.6 deg 137.133 deg Near Coast Of Central Chile 2015/11/07 07:31:42 GMT (-30.9, -71.5) 36 km 6.8 MWP, 6.8 MI
79.555855 85.6 deg 245.766 deg Vanuatu Islands 2016/04/06 06:58:48 GMT (-14.1, 166.6) 24 km 6.7 MWW, 6.6 MWB, 6.7 MWC, 6.9 MI
77.53634 30.0 deg 142.631 deg Off Coast Of Jalisco, Mexico 2016/06/07 10:51:38 GMT (18.4, -105.2) 10 km 6.2 MWP
76.948746 58.5 deg 125.174 deg Near Coast Of Ecuador 2016/05/18 16:46:44 GMT (0.5, -79.6) 31 km 6.8 MO
74.48238 85.8 deg 253.79 deg Solomon Islands 2016/06/10 04:17:44 GMT (-8.7, 160.5) 28 km 6.2 MWW
73.87536 72.5 deg 124.706 deg Peru-Brazil Border Region 2015/11/24 22:45:38 GMT (-10.6, -71.0) 602 km 7.5 MWW, 6.9 MI
73.43684 85.6 deg 132.568 deg Northern Chile 2016/06/24 21:29:18 GMT (-25.7, -69.3) 122 km 5.5 MB
70.40084 72.0 deg 124.494 deg Peru-Brazil Border Region 2015/11/24 22:50:53 GMT (-10.1, -71.1) 595 km 5.9 MB
69.5716 33.9 deg 142.99 deg Off Coast Of Guerrero, Mexico 2016/07/23 08:52:02 GMT (14.9, -103.5) 45 km 5.5 MB
69.17983 44.3 deg 123.182 deg Near Coast Of Nicaragua 2016/06/10 03:25:22 GMT (12.8, -87.0) 10 km 6.1 MWP
67.90769 87.9 deg 304.111 deg Taiwan Region 2016/05/31 05:23:47 GMT (25.6, 122.5) 243 km 6.1 MO
67.601364 86.6 deg 243.826 deg Vanuatu Islands 2016/06/30 11:30:34 GMT (-16.1, 167.4) 40 km 5.8 MB
66.83373 82.0 deg 237.756 deg Fiji Islands Region 2015/12/09 12:58:01 GMT (-16.6, 175.3) 10 km 5.7 MB
65.134094 58.1 deg 125.668 deg Near Coast Of Ecuador 2016/04/20 08:33:48 GMT (0.6, -80.3) 16 km 6.1 MO
64.38483 88.0 deg 240.428 deg Vanuatu Islands 2016/04/18 13:06:11 GMT (-19.5, 169.0) 74 km 5.9 MO
63.688206 85.6 deg 245.845 deg Vanuatu Islands 2016/04/07 03:32:53 GMT (-14.0, 166.6) 27 km 6.7 MWW, 6.5 MWB, 6.9 MI
63.267994 49.4 deg 310.582 deg Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia 2016/01/30 03:25:10 GMT (54.0, 158.5) 161 km 7.2 MWW, 7.0 MI, 7.2 MWB
62.20831 75.7 deg 130.361 deg Near Coast Of Peru 2016/02/16 10:46:27 GMT (-16.4, -73.5) 13 km 5.7 MWW, 5.6 MWB, 5.7 MWC
61.10511 35.2 deg 132.907 deg Oaxaca, Mexico 2016/05/08 07:34:02 GMT (16.6, -97.7) 24 km 5.9 MB
60.217476 58.8 deg 307.846 deg Northwest Of Kuril Islands 2016/07/23 01:00:21 GMT (47.7, 147.0) 407 km 5.7 MB
60.142803 88.7 deg 240.14 deg Loyalty Islands 2016/06/20 03:50:55 GMT (-20.2, 168.8) 15 km 6.0 MWW, 5.8 MWB, 5.9 MWC, 6.0 MWC
60.127834 77.6 deg 303.798 deg Kyushu, Japan 2016/04/15 16:45:56 GMT (32.9, 130.8) 10 km 5.7 MB
59.65771 85.2 deg 133.733 deg Near Coast Of Northern Chile 2016/07/25 17:26:49 GMT (-26.1, -70.6) 68 km 6.2 MB
59.63267 85.2 deg 234.035 deg South Of Fiji Islands 2016/01/18 18:24:17 GMT (-21.5, 176.2) 4.7 km 5.8 MWW, 5.8 MWB, 5.9 MWC
59.62818 35.2 deg 133.109 deg Oaxaca, Mexico 2016/06/27 20:50:34 GMT (16.6, -97.8) 19 km 5.7 MWW, 5.5 MWB
58.76069 86.4 deg 127.795 deg Jujuy Province, Argentina 2015/11/29 18:52:49 GMT (-23.5, -64.6) 9.6 km 5.9 MWP
57.947994 71.2 deg 124.103 deg Peru-Brazil Border Region 2015/11/26 05:45:18 GMT (-9.2, -71.3) 604 km 6.4 MWP
57.78542 88.4 deg 137.204 deg Near Coast Of Central Chile 2015/12/08 12:56:07 GMT (-30.8, -71.7) 30 km 5.6 MB
57.580097 44.0 deg 125.977 deg Off Coast Of Central America 2016/03/19 10:24:45 GMT (11.9, -88.8) 10 km 5.6 MWC, 5.6 MWC, 5.6 MWW
57.390663 39.5 deg 128.569 deg Near Coast Of Chiapas, Mexico 2016/04/27 12:51:22 GMT (14.6, -93.0) 35 km 5.8 MB
56.74863 87.9 deg 235.654 deg Southeast Of Loyalty Islands 2016/05/16 00:41:53 GMT (-22.5, 173.0) 10 km 5.8 MWW, 5.7 MWB, 5.8 MWC
56.738796 88.5 deg 259.334 deg Solomon Islands 2016/02/08 16:19:13 GMT (-6.6, 154.7) 32 km 6.4 MWW, 6.3 MWB, 6.7 MI
56.539925 88.4 deg 137.032 deg Near Coast Of Central Chile 2016/02/10 00:33:05 GMT (-30.6, -71.6) 32 km 6.3 MWB
56.03425 85.5 deg 130.006 deg Chile-Argentina Border Region 2016/06/18 17:29:44 GMT (-24.2, -67.1) 167 km 5.5 MB
56.02084 89.3 deg 303.72 deg Taiwan 2016/04/27 15:17:14 GMT (24.2, 121.8) 13 km 5.5 MWW, 5.4 MWR, 5.5 MWB, 5.6 MWC
54.379253 75.9 deg 232.514 deg Fiji Islands Region 2015/12/01 17:08:25 GMT (-14.9, -176.6) 10 km 5.6 MB
52.91897 65.1 deg 95.721 deg North Atlantic Ocean 2016/04/20 10:51:39 GMT (13.2, -55.9) 10 km 5.8 MB
52.667942 87.6 deg 240.814 deg Vanuatu Islands 2016/07/20 15:13:16 GMT (-18.9, 169.0) 164 km 6.0 MO
52.614803 90.9 deg 152.498 deg West Chile Rise 2015/12/25 17:58:04 GMT (-40.7, -86.4) 10 km 5.8 MWW, 5.7 MWC, 5.7 MWB
48.084816 74.3 deg 229.991 deg Tonga Islands 2016/07/23 20:09:19 GMT (-15.1, -173.6) 10 km 5.7 MB
44.644543 81.8 deg 230.585 deg Fiji Islands Region 2016/05/27 04:08:44 GMT (-20.8, -178.7) 572 km 6.4 MO