Station Z9 W23N - Fort Valley State University, GA

Network: Z910 - Southeastern Suture of the Appalachian Margin Experiment

Nearby stations (2 deg radius)

Station Name (Lat, Lon) Start / End Elevation
W23N Fort Valley State University, GA (32.52, -83.89) 2013-10-19 / 2014-05-14 159 m
Crust2 Type:DG,thin Platform 1 km seds.
Thickness Estimate:26 km
Thickness StdDev:6.4 km
Vp/Vs Estimate:1.96
Vp/Vs StdDev:0.18
Vs Estimate:3.349 km/s
Poisson's Ratio:0.32
Peak Value:0.08
Assumed Vp:6.565 km/s
Ps Weight:0.33333334
PpPs Weight:0.33333334
PsPs Weight:0.33333328
Residual Complexity:0.763
Nearby stations H: +-
(2.0 deg) Vp/Vs: +-

2 with match > 90% ( 8.695652 %) and 8 with match > 80% ( 34.782608 %) out of 23.

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Azimuth Distribution of Events:

Prior Results for this Station

Study Thickness Vp/Vs Vp Vs Poissons Ratio Extra
EARS 26 km 1.96 6.565 km/s 3.349 km/s 0.32
Crust2.0 31 km 1.78 6.565 km/s 3.684 km/s 0.27 DG,thin Platform 1 km seds.
Global Maxima 26 km 1.96 6.565 km/s 3.349 km/s 0.32 amp=0.080846526
Local Maxima 1 25 km 1.60 6.565 km/s 4.103 km/s 0.18 amp=0.07943165
Local Maxima 2 36 km 1.65 6.565 km/s 3.978 km/s 0.21 amp=0.0766393
Local Maxima 3 38 km 2.10 6.565 km/s 3.13 km/s 0.35 amp=0.05788566
Local Maxima 4 48 km 1.70 6.565 km/s 3.873 km/s 0.23 amp=0.04554843
Predicted Arrivals for vertical incidence
(zero ray parameter)
PpPs11.61 SECOND
PsPs/PpSs15.38 SECOND

Events Processed for this Station

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View Record Section

Plot maxima for each earthquake.

Events Used in the Stack

(8 events)
Radial Match Distance Baz FERegion Time Lat/Lon Depth Magnitude
92.36916 53.7 deg 164.465 deg Near Coast Of Northern Chile 2014/03/16 21:16:30 GMT (-19.9, -70.6) 20 km 6.7 MWW, 6.7 MWC, 7.0 MI
90.35128 53.5 deg 164.696 deg Near Coast Of Northern Chile 2014/03/22 12:59:59 GMT (-19.8, -70.9) 20 km 6.2 MWW, 6.2 MWB, 6.3 MWC, 6.4 MWC
89.33574 36.5 deg 311.376 deg Vancouver Island, Canada Region 2014/04/24 03:10:13 GMT (49.8, -127.4) 11 km 6.7 MWP, 6.7 MI
87.72548 38.0 deg 175.26 deg Near Coast Of Northern Peru 2014/03/15 23:51:33 GMT (-5.6, -81.0) 29 km 6.3 MWW, 6.2 MWB, 6.3 MWC
87.07737 54.0 deg 164.485 deg Near Coast Of Northern Chile 2014/04/03 01:58:31 GMT (-20.3, -70.6) 23 km 6.5 MWW, 6.5 MWB, 6.6 MWC
85.3586 53.5 deg 164.619 deg Near Coast Of Northern Chile 2014/03/23 18:20:03 GMT (-19.7, -70.8) 35 km 6.0 MB, 6.2 MWB, 6.2 MWW, 6.3 MWC
84.447815 47.1 deg 169.0 deg Near Coast Of Peru 2014/02/18 23:35:58 GMT (-14.2, -75.6) 57 km 6.0 MWB, 5.9 MWW, 5.9 MWC, 6.0 MWC
82.53213 46.9 deg 169.911 deg Near Coast Of Peru 2014/03/15 08:59:21 GMT (-14.1, -76.3) 20 km 6.1 MWW, 6.0 MWB, 6.2 MWC


(15 events)
Radial Match Distance Baz FERegion Time Lat/Lon Depth Magnitude Reason
99.040825 63.4 deg 318.235 deg Fox Islands, Aleutian Islands 2014/02/26 21:13:40 GMT (53.6, -171.8) 265 km 6.1 MWW, 5.9 MI, 5.9 ML, 6.1 MWC, 6.1 MWB, 6.2 MWC
94.61383 54.3 deg 164.494 deg Near Coast Of Northern Chile 2014/04/03 02:43:14 GMT (-20.5, -70.5) 31 km 7.7 MWW, 7.4 MI, 7.7 MWC
94.42878 53.4 deg 164.596 deg Near Coast Of Northern Chile 2014/04/01 23:46:46 GMT (-19.6, -70.8) 20 km 8.2 MWW, 8.0 MI, 8.1 MWC
85.888695 53.4 deg 163.809 deg Near Coast Of Northern Chile 2014/04/01 23:59:57 GMT (-19.5, -70.2) 22 km 5.8 MB
85.28734 33.9 deg 296.083 deg Off Coast Of Northern California 2014/03/10 05:18:13 GMT (40.8, -125.1) 17 km 6.8 MW, 6.8 MWR, 6.9 MWW, 6.9 MWB, 7.0 MI, 7.0 MWC
78.600945 51.7 deg 323.508 deg Southern Alaska 2014/05/10 14:16:08 GMT (60.0, -152.2) 96 km 5.8 ML, 5.5 MI, 5.7 MWP
71.08817 53.5 deg 164.721 deg Near Coast Of Northern Chile 2014/04/02 00:03:12 GMT (-19.8, -70.9) 10 km 5.8 MB
66.00974 54.4 deg 164.876 deg Near Coast Of Northern Chile 2014/01/04 00:11:48 GMT (-20.7, -70.8) 26 km 5.7 MWW, 5.8 MWB, 5.8 MWC
55.999233 57.9 deg 164.127 deg Northern Chile 2014/03/20 18:41:32 GMT (-24.0, -69.2) 96 km 5.1 MW
53.12566 56.0 deg 333.104 deg Northern Alaska 2014/05/03 08:57:12 GMT (67.6, -162.2) 0.9 km 5.5 MB
52.605877 78.2 deg 174.826 deg Off Coast Of Southern Chile 2014/03/02 11:14:42 GMT (-45.8, -76.6) 23 km 5.2 MW
52.068535 68.5 deg 317.652 deg Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Is. 2014/01/16 07:33:09 GMT (51.2, -179.2) 27 km 5.5 MWB, 5.2 ML, 5.5 ML, 5.6 MWC
48.772385 73.0 deg 322.347 deg Near Islands, Aleutian Islands 2014/04/07 07:48:29 GMT (53.0, 171.0) 26 km 5.2 MW
43.450825 96.4 deg 151.646 deg South Georgia Island Region 2014/03/17 13:24:48 GMT (-53.2, -32.3) 5.4 km 5.6 MB, 5.8 MWB, 5.9 MWC
29.800413 42.5 deg 213.9 deg Central East Pacific Rise 2014/01/07 23:02:53 GMT (-4.5, -106.1) 10 km 5.7 MWB, 5.8 MWC