Station XC QRZA - Quartz Hills

Network: XC95 - Southern Alps Passive Seismic Experiment

Nearby stations (2 deg radius)

Station Name (Lat, Lon) Start / End Elevation
QRZA Quartz Hills (-40.83, 172.53) 1995-11-12 / 1996-12-31 294 m
Crust2 Type:K1,forearc, New Zealand, 2 km seds.
Thickness Estimate:61 km
Thickness StdDev:9.4 km
Vp/Vs Estimate:1.62
Vp/Vs StdDev:0.15
Vs Estimate:3.888 km/s
Poisson's Ratio:0.19
Peak Value:0.01
Assumed Vp:6.289 km/s
Ps Weight:0.33333334
PpPs Weight:0.33333334
PsPs Weight:0.33333328
Residual Complexity:0.901
Nearby stations H:48 km +- 19 km
(2.0 deg) Vp/Vs:1.61 +- 0.01

1 with match > 90% ( 3.5714285 %) and 10 with match > 80% ( 35.714287 %) out of 28.

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Azimuth Distribution of Events:

Prior Results for this Station

Study Thickness Vp/Vs Vp Vs Poissons Ratio Extra
EARS 61 km 1.62 6.289 km/s 3.888 km/s 0.19
Crust2.0 35 km 1.76 6.289 km/s 3.569 km/s 0.26 K1,forearc, New Zealand, 2 km seds.
Global Maxima 61 km 1.62 6.289 km/s 3.888 km/s 0.19 amp=0.0055508274
Local Maxima 1 40 km 1.87 6.289 km/s 3.358 km/s 0.30 amp=0.0049089645
Local Maxima 2 48 km 2.04 6.289 km/s 3.083 km/s 0.34 amp=0.004110712
Local Maxima 3 45 km 1.82 6.289 km/s 3.451 km/s 0.28 amp=0.0041078823
Local Maxima 4 34 km 1.60 6.289 km/s 3.93 km/s 0.18 amp=0.0040960503
Predicted Arrivals for vertical incidence
(zero ray parameter)
PpPs25.39 SECOND
PsPs/PpSs31.38 SECOND

Events Processed for this Station

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View Record Section

Plot maxima for each earthquake.

Events Used in the Stack

(10 events)
Radial Match Distance Baz FERegion Time Lat/Lon Depth Magnitude
98.78929 63.0 deg 297.059 deg Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi 1996/01/01 08:05:11 GMT (0.7, 120.0) 33 km 6.2 MB, 7.7 MS, 7.8 UNKNOWN, 7.8 MW
88.77411 31.5 deg 338.801 deg Solomon Islands 1996/08/02 12:55:29 GMT (-10.8, 161.4) 33 km 6.2 MB, 7.1 MS, 6.9 UNKNOWN, 6.9 MW
88.012344 65.7 deg 308.571 deg Mindanao, Philippines 1996/09/20 04:10:27 GMT (9.5, 126.3) 33 km 5.8 MB, 6.4 MS, 6.6 UNKNOWN, 6.6 MW
87.907906 47.0 deg 313.244 deg Irian Jaya, Indonesia 1995/12/19 23:28:12 GMT (-3.7, 140.3) 71 km 6.2 MB, 6.5 UNKNOWN
87.443016 37.6 deg 330.613 deg Solomon Islands 1996/04/29 14:40:41 GMT (-6.5, 155.0) 44 km 6.3 MB, 7.5 MS, 7.2 UNKNOWN, 6.8 ME
86.96666 62.9 deg 297.655 deg Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi 1996/07/22 14:19:35 GMT (1.0, 120.4) 33 km 6.0 MB, 6.9 MS, 7.0 UNKNOWN, 6.9 MW
85.30553 51.2 deg 299.08 deg Banda Sea 1995/12/25 04:43:24 GMT (-6.9, 129.2) 150 km 6.2 MB, 7.1 UNKNOWN, 7.1 MW
81.13504 78.4 deg 312.504 deg Taiwan Region 1996/09/05 23:42:06 GMT (21.9, 121.5) 20 km 6.4 MB, 6.6 MS, 6.8 UNKNOWN, 6.8 ME
81.112144 30.1 deg 346.453 deg Santa Cruz Islands 1996/03/31 23:41:43 GMT (-11.2, 165.6) 33 km 5.6 MB, 6.1 MS, 6.0 UNKNOWN, 5.9 MW
80.49633 30.4 deg 347.222 deg Santa Cruz Islands 1996/09/14 13:10:53 GMT (-10.9, 166.0) 73 km 6.0 MB, 6.0 MS, 6.4 UNKNOWN, 6.4 MW


(18 events)
Radial Match Distance Baz FERegion Time Lat/Lon Depth Magnitude Reason
95.13739 58.7 deg 302.179 deg Northern Molucca Sea 1996/10/18 11:19:18 GMT (0.4, 126.2) 44 km 5.6 MB, 6.3 MS
74.251854 41.8 deg 318.526 deg Eastern New Guinea Reg., P.N.G. 1996/09/21 01:23:33 GMT (-6.2, 146.2) 10 km 5.7 MB, 5.8 MS, 5.9 UNKNOWN
70.32506 89.0 deg 336.122 deg Eastern Sea Of Japan 1996/12/22 14:53:27 GMT (43.2, 138.9) 227 km 6.0 MB, 6.5 UNKNOWN, 6.5 MW
69.29419 49.0 deg 304.104 deg Aru Islands Region, Indonesia 1996/01/10 22:36:03 GMT (-6.1, 133.6) 37 km 5.8 MB, 5.6 MS, 6.0 UNKNOWN, 5.9 MW
68.200264 34.6 deg 335.252 deg Solomon Islands 1996/01/11 03:51:34 GMT (-8.4, 158.6) 96 km 5.5 MB, 5.6 UNKNOWN, 5.9 MW
65.79432 48.9 deg 312.84 deg Irian Jaya, Indonesia 1996/12/26 20:48:23 GMT (-2.2, 138.9) 33 km 6.0 MB, 6.1 MS, 6.3 UNKNOWN, 6.1 MW
58.035683 65.8 deg 308.859 deg Mindanao, Philippines 1996/11/04 12:53:36 GMT (9.7, 126.4) 33 km 5.5 MS, 5.4 MB, 5.9 UNKNOWN, 5.8 MW
57.620026 44.1 deg 320.72 deg Bismarck Sea 1996/09/16 05:47:32 GMT (-3.4, 146.4) 33 km 5.5 MB, 5.8 MS, 5.9 UNKNOWN, 5.9 MW
56.5916 96.1 deg 115.422 deg Near Coast Of Peru 1996/11/13 02:41:39 GMT (-14.8, -75.7) 33 km 5.6 MB, 5.8 MS, 6.0 UNKNOWN, 6.0 MW
54.399193 87.1 deg 342.34 deg Kuril Islands 1996/03/09 16:17:16 GMT (43.7, 147.8) 33 km 5.7 MB, 6.0 MS
53.485645 94.2 deg 11.379 deg Fox Islands, Aleutian Islands 1996/03/28 19:51:07 GMT (52.3, -168.8) 33 km 5.7 MB, 5.4 MS, 5.8 UNKNOWN, 5.7 ML
52.701275 68.3 deg 330.332 deg Mariana Islands Region 1996/07/06 21:36:28 GMT (22.0, 142.8) 241 km 5.8 MB, 6.3 UNKNOWN, 6.2 MW
52.13692 65.9 deg 235.319 deg Mid-Indian Ridge 1996/08/19 06:24:11 GMT (-41.5, 80.4) 10 km 5.4 MB, 5.9 MS, 6.0 UNKNOWN, 5.9 MW
51.671974 94.6 deg 347.225 deg Sea Of Okhotsk 1996/08/30 21:13:41 GMT (52.3, 151.5) 580 km 5.5 UNKNOWN, 5.1 MB, 5.4 MW
49.212837 39.9 deg 328.187 deg New Britain Region, P.N.G. 1996/03/09 15:19:39 GMT (-4.9, 152.7) 104 km 5.5 MS, 4.9 MB
49.13541 87.4 deg 343.625 deg Kuril Islands 1996/01/31 20:30:47 GMT (44.5, 149.4) 58 km 5.8 MB, 6.1 UNKNOWN, 5.9 MW
44.736687 86.5 deg 129.963 deg Near Coast Of Central Chile 1996/09/09 00:20:39 GMT (-31.9, -71.6) 39 km 6.0 MB, 5.5 MS, 6.0 UNKNOWN, 5.8 ME
21.90239 59.3 deg 324.174 deg W. Caroline Islands, Micronesia 1996/02/02 18:36:11 GMT (11.4, 141.6) 33 km 5.5 MS, 5.3 MB, 5.7 UNKNOWN, 5.7 MW