Station CN YKW4 - YKW4, NT, CANADA

Network: CN - Canadian National Seismograph Network

Nearby stations (2 deg radius)

Station Name (Lat, Lon) Start / End Elevation
YKW4 YKW4, NT, CANADA (62.49, -114.74) 1989-01-25 / 2499-01-01 0.2 km
Crust2 Type:G1,Archean, no seds.
Thickness Estimate:37 km
Thickness StdDev:2.8 km
Vp/Vs Estimate:1.72
Vp/Vs StdDev:0.07
Vs Estimate:3.75 km/s
Poisson's Ratio:0.25
Peak Value:0.01
Assumed Vp:6.459 km/s
Ps Weight:0.33333334
PpPs Weight:0.33333334
PsPs Weight:0.33333328
Residual Complexity:0.602
Nearby stations H: +-
(2.0 deg) Vp/Vs: +-

7 with match > 90% ( 30.434782 %) and 20 with match > 80% ( 86.95652 %) out of 23.

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Azimuth Distribution of Events:

Prior Results for this Station

Study Thickness Vp/Vs Vp Vs Poissons Ratio Extra
EARS 37 km 1.72 6.459 km/s 3.75 km/s 0.25
Crust2.0 37 km 1.76 6.459 km/s 3.665 km/s 0.26 G1,Archean, no seds.
Global Maxima 37 km 1.72 6.459 km/s 3.75 km/s 0.25 amp=0.014273641
Local Maxima 1 30 km 1.88 6.459 km/s 3.431 km/s 0.30 amp=0.009510536
Local Maxima 2 36 km 1.69 6.459 km/s 3.834 km/s 0.23 amp=0.008575375
Local Maxima 3 38 km 1.70 6.459 km/s 3.811 km/s 0.23 amp=0.005546826
Local Maxima 4 28 km 1.89 6.459 km/s 3.418 km/s 0.31 amp=0.00483598
Predicted Arrivals for vertical incidence
(zero ray parameter)
PpPs15.49 SECOND
PsPs/PpSs19.60 SECOND

Events Processed for this Station

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View Record Section

Plot maxima for each earthquake.

Events Used in the Stack

(20 events)
Radial Match Distance Baz FERegion Time Lat/Lon Depth Magnitude
98.8287 74.0 deg 140.043 deg Northern Peru 2005/09/26 01:55:37 GMT (-5.7, -76.4) 115 km 6.7 MB, 7.5 MW, 7.5 MW
96.073654 81.4 deg 355.238 deg Afghanistan-Tajikistan Bord Reg. 2005/12/12 21:47:46 GMT (36.4, 71.1) 225 km 6.0 MB, 6.5 MW, 6.5 MW
95.407455 83.1 deg 353.079 deg Pakistan 2005/10/08 03:50:40 GMT (34.5, 73.6) 26 km 6.9 MB, 7.7 MS, 7.6 MW, 7.3 MW
93.57704 75.9 deg 33.9 deg Southern Greece 2006/01/08 11:34:55 GMT (36.3, 23.2) 66 km 6.5 MB, 6.7 MW, 6.7 MW
93.32583 94.7 deg 234.199 deg Tonga Islands 2006/05/03 15:26:40 GMT (-20.2, -174.1) 55 km 7.2 MB, 7.8 MS, 7.9 MW, 7.9 MW
91.75714 62.6 deg 300.022 deg Near East Coast Of Honshu, Japan 2005/12/02 13:13:09 GMT (38.1, 142.1) 29 km 6.1 MB, 6.3 MS, 6.5 MW, 6.4 MW
91.143 82.9 deg 353.497 deg Pakistan 2005/10/08 10:46:28 GMT (34.7, 73.1) 8.0 km 6.0 MB, 6.3 MS, 6.4 MW, 6.2 MW
89.77972 35.6 deg 303.995 deg Eastern Siberia, Russia 2006/05/22 11:12:00 GMT (60.8, 165.7) 16 km 6.0 MB, 6.7 MS, 6.6 MW, 6.5 MW
89.73242 34.4 deg 175.891 deg Gulf Of California 2006/01/04 08:32:32 GMT (28.2, -112.1) 14 km 6.1 MB, 6.7 MS, 6.6 MW, 6.5 MW
89.43999 81.1 deg 308.95 deg Northeast Of Taiwan 2005/10/15 15:51:07 GMT (25.3, 123.4) 183 km 6.2 MB, 6.5 MW, 6.5 MW
89.43388 35.0 deg 303.535 deg Eastern Siberia, Russia 2006/04/20 23:25:02 GMT (60.9, 167.1) 22 km 6.8 MB, 7.6 MS, 7.6 MW, 7.3 MW
87.75223 36.6 deg 285.609 deg Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands 2006/06/14 04:46:42 GMT (51.9, 177.1) 29 km 5.5 MB, 5.9 MW, 5.7 ML
87.33314 35.5 deg 282.44 deg Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Is. 2007/12/19 09:30:27 GMT (51.4, -179.5) 29 km 6.4 MB, 7.1 MS, 7.1 MW, 7.0 MW
86.7349 84.1 deg 309.743 deg Taiwan Region 2006/04/01 10:02:19 GMT (22.9, 121.3) 9.0 km 6.0 MB, 6.1 MS, 6.2 MW, 6.1 MW
86.3882 96.9 deg 271.003 deg New Britain Region, P.N.G. 2006/05/28 03:12:08 GMT (-5.7, 151.1) 34 km 5.9 MB, 6.6 MS, 6.5 MW, 6.4 MW
86.02972 35.1 deg 302.678 deg Eastern Siberia, Russia 2006/04/29 16:58:06 GMT (60.5, 167.5) 11 km 6.4 MB, 6.6 MS, 6.6 MW, 6.4 MW
85.91152 42.9 deg 300.677 deg Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia 2006/05/22 13:08:01 GMT (54.3, 158.4) 185 km 6.2 MB, 6.2 MW, 6.2 MW
83.894226 51.0 deg 297.338 deg Kuril Islands 2006/10/01 09:06:02 GMT (46.5, 153.2) 19 km 6.1 MB, 6.4 MS, 6.6 MW, 6.5 MW
81.55562 76.4 deg 291.258 deg Volcano Islands, Japan Region 2007/09/28 13:38:59 GMT (22.0, 142.7) 276 km 6.7 MB, 7.4 MW, 7.4 MW
81.46128 92.0 deg 240.079 deg Fiji Islands Region 2005/12/13 03:16:06 GMT (-15.3, -178.6) 10 km 6.1 MB, 6.8 MS, 6.7 MW, 6.7 MW


(3 events)
Radial Match Distance Baz FERegion Time Lat/Lon Depth Magnitude Reason
64.48202 91.2 deg 302.194 deg Philippine Islands Region 2008/03/03 14:11:14 GMT (13.4, 125.6) 24 km 6.4 MB, 6.9 MW, 6.8 MW
60.224384 51.1 deg 297.336 deg Kuril Islands 2008/03/03 09:31:02 GMT (46.4, 153.2) 10 km 6.2 MB, 6.5 MS, 6.5 MW, 6.5 MW
16.873968 86.8 deg 308.555 deg Philippine Islands Region 2008/03/03 13:49:40 GMT (19.9, 121.3) 10 km 6.0 MB, 6.0 MW, 5.9 MW