Stations in YF99 (9 stations)

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Network Description Owner Dates
YF99 - Midsea - Mantle Investigation of the Deep Suture between Eurasia and Africa Four institutions decided to populate the Mediterranean region with more BB instruments in the same time period and call our collective experiments MIDSEA. ETH put out 12 stations in 5 countries, UNSA/CNRS put 6 stations in France and italy, CIW put 5 stations in the Azores, and INGV put 2 stations in Italy. Two of the ETH stations are available at Geofon (MELI) and Inst. of Catalan Studies (POBL, autodrm) data centers, respectively. The other 10 statiosn have been submitted to IRIS on tape. The Azores 1999-06-01 / 2002-12-31
Network Station Name Lat/Lon Elevation Est. Thick StdDev Est. Vp/Vs StdDev Assumed Vp Vs Poissons Ratio Num EQ Complexity
YF99 ABSA YF.ABSA 36.28 N/7.47 E 1025 m 25 km 0.7 km 1.91 0.06 6.048 km/s 3.166 km/s 0.31 4 0.41
YF99 APER YF.APER 35.55 N/27.17 E 250 m 44 km 5.9 km 1.92 0.09 5.627 km/s 2.931 km/s 0.31 27 0.75
YF99 DUOK YF.DUOK 44.11 N/14.93 E 115 m 44 km 2.8 km 1.77 0.04 6.291 km/s 3.554 km/s 0.27 27 0.56
YF99 EBRE YF.EBRE 40.82 N/0.49 E 36 m 26 km 4.6 km 1.81 0.06 6.391 km/s 3.531 km/s 0.28 8 0.27
YF99 GHAR YF.GHAR 32.12 N/13.09 E 650 m 34 km 1.7 km 1.74 0.03 6.159 km/s 3.54 km/s 0.25 10 0.58
YF99 HVAR YF.HVAR 43.18 N/6.45 E 250 m 43 km 10 km 1.71 0.15 5.405 km/s 3.161 km/s 0.24 25 0.78
YF99 ITHO YF.ITHO 37.18 N/21.93 E 400 m 38 km 2.1 km 1.91 0.04 5.627 km/s 2.946 km/s 0.31 22 0.70
YF99 KOUM YF.KOUM 37.70 N/26.84 E 340 m 26 km 1.8 km 1.76 0.04 5.989 km/s 3.403 km/s 0.26 26 0.45
YF99 MARJ YF.MARJ 32.52 N/20.88 E 300 m 29 km 13 km 1.60 0.08 5.657 km/s 3.536 km/s 0.18 9 0.79